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Each of FMIC’s four founding partners – the Governments of France and Afghanistan, the Aga Khan Development Network (including the Aga Khan University) and the French NGO, La Chaîne de l’Espoir – continues to take an active role in the support and development of the institution. FMIC and the founding partnership is regarded as a model of public-private collaboration in Afghanistan.

FMIC is governed by the FMIC Board, which consists of:
Five members from Aga Khan Development Network, including the Chair
Two members from La Chaîne de l’Espoir
One member from Government of Afghanistan 
(Note: A member from the Government of France attends all FMIC Board meetings)

The FMIC Board is responsible for:
Monitoring the project and the contractual responsibilities of all the partners.
Determining and implementing best practices to ensure that adequate human and material resources are available to FMIC 
Maintaining transparency with the Afghan public.
Approving the roles of the medical and teaching missions.
Approving FMIC’s annual budget and long-term strategies.