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Capacity Building Programmes

FMIC’s overarching aim is to develop the capacity of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff – a pool of qualified professionals in all areas of healthcare delivery, leadership and administration, who can become responsible not only for the operations of the Institute but also improve the quality of healthcare professionals in the country. 

FMIC’s education and capacity building programmes offer working healthcare professionals throughout Afghanistan and the region diverse opportunities to advance their knowledge and skills. 

Healthcare Professionals' Training
To train the future leaders of the healthcare system in Afghanistan and the region, FMIC has been offering clinical attachments for doctors, and different types of training for nurses, laboratory technicians, radiology technicians, pharmacists and biomedical engineers. Our programmes are in high demand and well-reputed for their exceptional quality.

We also continue to steadily increase our capacity to support training. FMIC’s eHealth programme, and its eLearning​ ​component, has extended the role that FMIC staff can play in building the capacity of staff in provincial hospitals in the region.

To date, we have trained over 3,210​ professionals from a range of different institutions and specialities, including Kabul Medical University, Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences, the National Security Hospital, Surobi Hospital, Bamyan and Faizabad Provincial Hospitals and Khorog Hospital in Tajikistan. 

Public Health Awareness Sessions
FMIC facilitates public health awareness sessions in the community, to provide opportunities for medical and healthcare professionals to educate themselves about disease prevention and treatment options. Every year, we will be conducting health awareness sessions in public and private schools and universities.  

Visit our events​ page for more details.

Training for FMIC staff
FMIC is committed to supporting the professional development of our staff. We offer many unique training opportunities for our team to enhance their skills and expertise.  

AFD - Agence Française de Développement - has supported this capacity building by funding vital medical missions and scholarships for training abroad. 

International medical missions
Medical missions enable international professionals to bring specialised expertise to FMIC. These international professionals offer patients access to state-of-the-art treatments and procedures, and also provide opportunities for our Afghan staff to receive training and earn credentials.  

Since 2006, mission staff visits FMIC ranging from a week to 6 months visits. Mission staff bring a range of specialities with the most common including anaesthesia, ENT, intensive care, orthopaedics, paediatric and adult cardiac surgery, paediatric medicine, paediatric neurosurgery and plastic surgery, and paediatric urology. La Chaîne de l'Espoir has taken a lead role in sending medical missions to FMIC, and Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi has recently begun to send paediatric cardiac missions. 

In-service training
FMIC believes in lifelong learning and invests in its staff by supporting continuing professional development through local and international training and by providing educational assistance.  

In-house training are conducted regularly throughout the year and range from administering medication, intravenous (IV) cannulation to Basic Life Support (BLS), Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), and intensive care medicine as well as soft skills. 

In Kabul, off-site training has also taken place through partnerships with the Ghazanfar Institute for Health Sciences and the NGOs Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Training Consultants and Handicap International.  

Since 2007, 946​ local staff have been trained overseas: in paediatric, orthopaedic and cardiac surgery in France, in plastic surgery in Germany, in anaesthesiology in India, and nursing and quality improvement in Pakistan at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi.  

HR Training and Development Section
Phone: +93 (0) 791070000  Ext: 5101