Pathology and Clinical Laboratory Services at FMIC

The following laboratory-diagnostic services are available at FMIC:
Anatomic Pathology Section
Provides evaluation of tissues obtained during surgeries or endoscopic procedures (biopsies) and cytology examination of body aspirated materials. We report all our cancer cases in line with CAP (College of American Pathologists) guideline.
Anatomic Pathology section at FMIC has the below diagnostic tools, some of them recently established for the first time in Afghanistan:
Histopathology: Diagnosis of benign/malignant tumours by tissue biopsy examination. The tissue is stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) with high quality to see the morphology of the tissue under the light microscope. FMIC anatomic pathology section accepts all kind of biopsy specimens for diagnosing.
Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining: The histopathology section of FMIC accept second opinion cancer cases for performing IHC stains to confirm the subtype of the cancers. FMIC also accept breast cancer cases for ER, PR and HER2/neu stains for treatment option and prognosis.
Frozen section: (cryosection): Highly important pathological technique used for rapid microscopic diagnosis of intraoperative biopsy and the rapid diagnosis can guide intra-operative patient management. We issue a report within 20 minutes when requested by the surgeon.
Body fluid (pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, CSF, cystic fluid and urine).
Cervical Pap smear for detecting precancerous lesions, cancers and other benign and inflammatory conditions.
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) for palpable masse (breast lump, lymph nodes, thyroid mass, testicle in case of infertility and other masses on the body surface).
Haematopathology Section
The haematology section offers a full battery of routine & special haematology tests, including complete blood count utilizing a 7-part differential analyzer, peripheral blood analysis for various inherited and acquired disorders/ haematological malignancies, bone marrow aspiration, trephine biopsy, trephine roll imprint and a complete set of IHC analysis for haematological malignancies.
The coagulation tests including PT/ INR, APTT, plasma/ serum mixing tests are also performed on fully automated systems. The staff include the supervision of one Consultant Haematopathologist and four haematology laboratory technologists.
Blood Bank (Immunohaematology)
Preparation of whole blood, packed RBCs, platelet concentrates and fresh plasma/ fresh frozen plasma using state-of-the-art centrifuge machines with the pre-donation evaluation of the donor for general health and disease process. RBCs of the donor are cross-matched with the plasma of the patient utilizing advanced gel-matrix technology for ensuring the safety of blood transfusion. Apart from that, FMIC blood bank also offers specialized blood bank tests including direct Antiglobulin test, quantitative/ qualitative indirect Antiglobulin tests.
Molecular pathology: Utilizes polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques to diagnose diseases including viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C), HIV and tuberculosis.
Cytogenetic laboratory: For the first time in Afghanistan, cytogenetic analysis of non-stimulated bone marrow, as well as peripheral blood samples, are performed for all malignancies for disease confirmation as well as prognostication. Similarly, chromosomal analysis of phytohaemagglutinin stimulated peripheral blood samples is performed for patients with suspected sex chromosome abnormalities, suspected syndromes, couples with recurrent abortions and couples with previous congenitally abnormal kids.
Two units of most modern blood culture systems are working in the lab. Modern autoclave, bio-safety cabinet class IIA, the modern incubator has been acquired to do quality testing at the lab. Bacteriology has been improved by adding better identification tests like bioMérieux’s API which is a well-established method for microorganism identification to the species level. Anaerobic bacteriology has been strengthened as anaerobic cultures are now done on a routine basis. The lab is aligned with the quality policy of the hospital and regularly participates in the external quality control survey of the College of American Pathologists (CAP).
Clinical Biochemistry
Chemical Pathology at FMIC offers clinical chemistry tests in routine as well as specialized areas. In total, there are nearly 250 different tests available, about 350 specimens are handled daily.
A wide range of analytical techniques, for example, measurement of enzyme activities and spectrophotometry. Manual & automated techniques for operation and management of highly automated testing systems capable of producing thousands of results in a day. All assays are closely monitored and quality controlled. Examples of tests in Clinical Chemistry include:
Routine Chemistry
Special Chemistry
Evaluation of endocrine organ function
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
No appointment is required
Most results are delivered to the requesting doctor in less than 24 hours
Reception Number : +93 (0) 791071400 | +93 (0) 7910714001 | General Information No. +93 (0) 791070000
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