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A New Beginning: Shahla's Life Transformed After 6 Years of Suffering

Shahla, a 19-year-old girl, had endured unimaginable physical andFARZANA.jpg emotional pain for six long years. Diagnosed with hematometra, a condition where menstrual blood accumulates in the uterus, her life had become a daily struggle. The constant abdominal distension from her enlarged uterus—which extended up to her chest—compressed her stomach, leading to chronic gastritis, severe pain, and malnutrition. 

 Read More about  Shahla's Story​

 Content Editor ‭[34]‬

A Groundbreaking Miracle: Saving a Newborn's Life in Afghanistanwalid.jpg

Abdul Fazl, born with complex congenit
heart disease and duct-dependent circulation began deterioratin
G rapidly, his family faced a terrifying reality: without urgent intervention, he would not survive. 
 Read More about Abdul Fazl's Story​

 Content Editor ‭[33]‬

A New Heartbeat: Baby Ahmad's Fight for Life

At just 20 days old, Ahmad Omair was rushed to the emergency roomAHMAD.jpg after showing sudden signs of respiratory distress and poor feeding. What began as a quiet day quickly spiraled into a life-or-death crisis. Ahmad’s tiny body was in shock—his breathing shallow, his kidneys failing, and his blood in a state of dangerous metabolic acidosis. 

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 Content Editor ‭[32]‬

​​A Miraculous Transformation at FMIC: Sadruddin's Triumph Over Spinal TBSadruddin.jpg

Sadruddin had been battling severe back deformity and pain for a year. His condition had worsened to the point where he was on the verge of paraplegia, with minimal strength in his legs (Grade 2-3). ​​​

Read mo​re a​bout  Sadrudin's story​​​​​

 Content Editor ‭[31]‬


A Triumph Over Spine TB: Restoring Life and Hopejamal.jpg

For two long years, Ali Jawad endured debilitating back pain and deformity that turned his life upside down. Despite months of medication, the pain persisted, leaving him unable to perform even the simplest daily tasks.

Read mo​re about Ali Jawad's story​​​​

 Content Editor ‭[30]‬

Rescuing Sana: A Narrative of Healing Through Free Malnutritionddddsss.jpg Treatment

A six-month-old from Paktika faced severe malnutrition. Unable to breastfeed at birth, powdered milk was used, prompting her family to seek medical help for Sana's condition.​

Read more about Sa​​na​'s story​​​

dfdssd.jpgUnleashing Hope: How Hamida Defied Paralysis at FMIC

​Hamida, a 12-year-old from Maidan Wardak, couldn't walk due to a debilitating condition. She felt immense frustration and sadness, unable to attend school or play with friends.​


Read more about Hamida​'s story​

Turning over a New Leaf: Lailima's Story!11111.jpg

For 20 years, Lailima, a 50-year-old woman from Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, suffered from palpitations and abnormal heart rate, causing chest pain, breathlessness, and difficulty speaking and walking.

Read more about Lailima​'s story​

Mohammad-Shoaib.jpg​Epicardial Pacing Procedure: FMIC Leading Afghanistan's Medical Progression

Mohammad Shoaib, a 3-year-old from Herat, has jaundice, poor weight gain, and shortness of breath. His father, Sher Ahmed, tried private and government hospitals, but all in vain due to a lack of proper diagnosis.​

Read more about Mohammad Shoaib​'s story​


FMIC brings a new beginning to Khadija's life.

Khadija was a curious and adventurous child who liked to explore. One day, while playing, she accidentally put a light bulb in her mouth.  Khadija's parents were occupied with work and didn't see her put the light bulb in her mouth. She started coughing an hour later, and they took her to the closest hospital in Panjshir.​​

Read more about Khadija​'s story


Regaining new life after 13 years of his birth........ 

an exciting story of Baryalai

Shir Alam- Baryalai's father recalls those shocking moments when he realized that his son was immobile on one side. ​ In a precarious situation, Shir Alam took his son to a neighboring country with lots of hope. He had to sell his vehicle- which was the source of family income. Ultimately; the result was no gain- but pain!

Read more about Baryalai​'s story

​​​​Hope never abandons you! Omid-story.jpg


​Ahmad Omid (16 years) was born in Mazar-i-Sharif, the central town of Balkh province. Despite the contemporary challenges, he has big dreams for his future. This motivation helped him stand out and show his level best in grade 9 exams

Read more abou​t Ahmad Omid's story​

​​A remedy which sustains hop​es

​​​Mrs Sabzina is a 28-year-old mother from Badakhshan province. She takes care of her children and manages all daily chores. Her hardworking husband is a farmer; growing wheat and grains on the harsh lands of Badakhshan to make ends meet. Mrs Sabzina was grappling with an unknown disease that affected her abdomen.

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​​​​She enters school after 14 years!marzia-Story.jpg

Marzia is a 14-year-old teenage girl living in Kabul. Originally she is from Maidan Wardak province.

She was two years old when she collapsed into a traditional oven (Tandoor), which is used for making bread in Afghanistan.

Read more about Marzia's story​

Sasdas.jpgA strong heart to follow his dreams

​​Eight-year-old Hakimullah was suffering from continuous coughing, abdominal pain and shortness of breath. He and his parents visited many clinics in their rural hometown in Sar-e-Pol province, one of the poorest in Afghanistan, before being referred to FMIC. ​


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The end of tough moments A successful esophagostomy on Khoban 

Khoban is a 60-year-old woman from the northern province of Baghlan, Afghanistan. Despite the prevailing financial challenges, she has a friendly family.​

Read m​ore about khoban's story​

​​Fighting with a Tumor at age 4 DSC_6606.JPG

FMIC paediatric surgeons extracted a 6kg Wilms’ tumour Habib Rahman is a 4-year-old kid who lives in a rural area of Baghlan province. He is the only son of his family and​ his father is daily-wage labour.  

For a little boy like Habib Rahman, it was difficult to overcome a tremendous pain in his abdomen.​

Read more about Habib Rahman's story

​​​A lifesaving procedure to make a lifelong memoryDSC_5227.JPG

Balloon Atrial Septostomy for the first time in Afghanistan​

Meet Marwa, a 7-day-old baby girl with a congenital heart disease which is called Transportation of the Great Arteries (TGA). Her journey of treatment started when her mother noticed the unusual dusky colour of her skin and rapid breathing since she was born. ​

Read more about Marwa's story​

​Fahima will not suffer from ectopic pregnancy anymoreFahima-318-192px.jpg

Fahima (29), a modest woman who lives in the northern area of Kabul in an elite family. She was feeling pain in her lower abdomen along with an abnormal period with many discomforts. She visited a few hospitals near her home to find the chance of treatment.  Some doctors recommended surgery for Fahima, but she never wanted to undergo surgery. 

Read more about Fahim​a's story​


​​​Adversity often leads to prosperity ileal conduit urinary diversion-another first time surgery in Afghanistan  

Abubakr (3) lives in Kapisa, a province in the centre ​of Afghanistan. When Abubakr was a one-month-old baby, doctors observed a rare disease of Bladder exstrophy. In this disease, the bladder is open and exposed on the outside of the abdomen. This disease was anguish for the whole family since many of the doctors advised him to go abroad to seek treatment.

 ​Read more about Abubakr's story​

Zabihullah gets back to work after 9 years 
​​​​At a very young age, Zabihullah, along with his younger brother, was burdened with the responsibility to financially support his 7-member family and also to take care of his aged parents. He made a relatively decent income by running a small bakery shop in a suburb of Kabul. Everything was going well until an unexpected pain appeared in his left knee when he was just 20.

The right decision to come in the right place ffffff.jpg

Abdul Baset (13) is the beloved son of his family living in Paghman (a suburb area of Kabul). Baset is an intelligent student who loves to study biology to become a doctor in the future and serve his country. ​ n early 2021, a disease made his life upside down and led him to a new journey. When he was suffering from a gallstone...​

Read more about Abdul Baset's story

​​​​When a patient becomes a goodwill ambassador Farazana.jpg

Najiba (15) was suffering from primary Amenorrhea and periodic monthly pain for over a year. ​​

The cause for her pain was hematometra (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity). She referred to many clinics, local doctors, and private and public hospitals throughout the country and had two unsuccessful abdominal surgeries. 

Read more about Najiba's story​

Khal Mohammad says “Do not play with fire at all” ​khal-mohammad.jpg

Meanwhile, this little boy was curious to see how petrol catches fire. In early 2019, he somehow got hold of a 3-

littre​ bottle of petrol and tried to ignite it with matches. Suddenly the flames captured him allover and the right side of his body got burnt and put him in critical condition. 

Read more about Khal Mohammad's story​


Samira can play with her toys now​

Samira’s parents were delighted as they were expecting a baby in early 2019. They had bundles of hope and plans for the new addition to their family. Likewise, Samira’s grandfather was super excited and dreamt of her granddaughter becoming a doctor. ​

Read more about Samira's' story ​

​​She will be a strong lady​​Bibi-Amena.jpg

An 11 hours old baby gets new life at FMIC after her mother was shot dead in a terrorist attack in Kabul

Last night at 20:45 hrs, an eleven-hour old baby-girl was brought to FMIC emergency room after a ​gunshot attack, in a Kabul based HosBibi-Amena.jpgpital. She was taken under immediate management by ER medical and nursing staff

Read more Bibi-Amena's story

​​​Building capacity to impact lives​Yasser.jpg 

In the first four years of FMIC, La Chaine de l'Espoir regularly flew in teams of foreign doctors. Their task was to operate on local patients as well to build the capacity of indigenous doctors who did not have the requisite skill sets. Post-February 2010, the surgical services at FMIC were entirely taken over by Afghan surgeons who have successfully carried out over 1,000 cardiac surgeries on infants and young children with ​varying degrees of complex congenital heart diseases.

Read more Yasser​'s story

sidra-mom.jpgA nick in time saves nine

A timely tele-consultation between doctors at the Faizabad Provincial Hospital and FMIC, Kabul saved one-month-old Sidra’s life. The Kate Project, FMIC's patient welfare program's sponsor, arranged for full medical cost, transportation and accommodation for the family.​

Read more Sidra’s​ story

khushi-fmic.jpg​​A beacon of hope

​Pneumonia remains a primary killer of children under five in developing countries. In Khushi’s case, not only was she struck with pneumonia, she was suffering from a type that was difficult to treat. Whereas other children recover from pneumonia in two weeks, she stayed at FMIC for 35 days bravely fighting for her life.​

Read more Khushi's story

​A long journeyzubair.jpg

​​​Two amputated legs, his spleen, colon, and kidney slashed, and a life-threatening body infection – 14-year-old Zubair’s shocking health state had him turned away by one hospital after another till he arrived at FMIC. Today he is one of our proud survivors.​ One evening, when he was sitting outside his home in the eastern district of Tagab with his four cousins, he saw two low-flying helicopters approach. 

Read more ​Zubair’s story

cardiac-patient-bismillah.jpg​​Responding to Afghanistan’s critical need​

A few years back, Bismillah began to experience shortness of breath and chest pain whenever he engaged in any kind of strenuous physical activity. He consulted with the cardiology team at the FMIC and was diagnosed with coronary artery disease, a condition in which blood flow to the heart is constricted. Causes can be heredity, diabetes mellitus, smoking, stress, and a high level of cholesterol.

Read Bismillah​'s story

Alifa begins a normal life again 

I want to convey a message to the Tajik people that high quality and professionally managed healthcare provider exists in the shape of FMIC in Kabul.

Alifa was born to a happy family in Tajikistan. Her parents were very excited before her birth but their elation dwindled as they saw a child with a cleft lip.​

Read more about Alifa 

FMIC surgeons successfully separate conjoined twins

"From the very beginning, I had been worried that this might be a dream," said a grateful mother, Mahgul. But when I saw my two dear daughters peacefully sleeping in two separate beds, I realized that my dream has come true."​
Abdul Rahman walks again

​When Abdul Rahman, started having difficulty walking, his parents began to take him to all the doctors and medical clinics. No one was able to explain to the worried parents what was happening to their son, and his health continued to worsen until he was referred to the FMIC. 

Twice blessed​-young-toryalai.jpg

Young Toryalai, a sweet-natured Pathan boy, and his family traveled all the way from Kunduz in north-eastern ​Afghanistan to FMIC in Kabul for his treatment. Toryalai had been sick for over a month when he came to us, but the next time he fell ill, his family did not waste any time in bringing him back. They knew that we would help.​

Read Young Toryalai's story