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​​Publications by FMIC Physicians 

Publication by FMIC specialists entitled “Misdiagnosed Adult PresentationDr. Hidyatullah.jpg

of Diastematomyelia and Tethered Cord”​

The article appeared in an international journal named “Science Direct”. It was a  case report authored by Dr. Hidyatullah Hamidi, Head of Radiology at FMIC, and Dr. Naqibullah Foladi, Resident at FMIC. 

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A research article published by FMIC specialists entitled “Brain EctopicDr. Jamshid Jalal.jpg

The tissue in Sacrococcygeal Region of a Child, Clinically Mimicking 

Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: a Case Report”

A research article authored by Dr. Jamshid Jalal, Ramin Sadat, and other specialists at FMIC appeared in an international journal named BMC which is part of Springer Nature. 


A research article published by FMIC Physicians entitled Dr. Hidyatullah Hamdidi.jpg

“Computed Tomography Features and Surgical Treatment 

of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: A Case Report”

A case report authored by FMIC Physicians Dr. Hidyatullah Hamidi,   Head of  Radiology, Dr. Mohammad Tareq Rahimi, and Dr. Freba Ahrar Soroush appeared in a journal named  PMC.  

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A research article published by FMIC consultant Radiology  entitlednajibullah.png

“The Diagnostic Value Of Current Practice Of Pediatric Intravenous Urography

In Afghanistan In Presence Of Ultrasonography; Cross-Sectional Analytic Study 

In A Pediatric Tertiary Care Hospital”

The article appeared in an international journal named “ Pakistan Journal of  Radiology ”. It was a  case report authored by Dr. Hidayatullah Hamidi consultant radiology at FMIC,  Dr. Najibullah Rasouly former radiology specialist and, Dr. Tazeen Saeed Ali at AKU.   


A research article published by FMIC pediatric surgery specialist  entitledTariq Rahimi.jpg

“Late presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia simulating pneumothorax”

The article appeared in an international journal named “  Science Direct ”. It was a  case report authored by Dr. Mohammad Tariq Rahimi Pediatric Surgery Specialist and Reshadullah Jurat pediatric Surgeon at FMIC. 

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